GH-IV型金屬探測器,是一款使用DSP芯片的非金屬礦用金屬探測器,是我公司在新型金屬探測器上的又一突破,采用全新的電路結構及檢測方法,解決了常規金屬探測器無法檢測的不銹鋼、耐熱鋼、高鉻鋼等非磁性金屬,各項技術指標均達到或超過國際標準,是國內工業用金屬探測技術的又一次跨越。 GH-IV metal detector is the only non-metallic mineral metal detector in China that uses DSP chip. It is another breakthrough in the new metal detector. It adopts a new circuit structure and detection method to solve Non-magnetic metals such as stainless steel, heat-resistant steel and high-chromium steel that cannot be detected by conventional metal detectors, all of which meet or exceed international industry standards,.
金屬探測器的性能特點:Metal detector performance characteristics: 1、以DSP芯片為核心處理單元,識別準確率高,抗干擾能力極強。解決了電磁干擾所引起的誤報警現象。 2、可檢測304不銹鋼、耐熱鋼、高鉻鋼等非磁性金屬。 3、可自動區分皮帶金屬接頭。 4、可分辨塊狀、長棒型金屬,并可以設置靈敏度,適用于非磁性物料。 5、標記定時功能,可延時輸出標記動作,實現夾雜金屬的準確定位。 6、 支持Modbus現場總線通訊,輕松實現數據聯網。 7、多個IO輸出接口,可與生產線連接配套使用,實現流水線自動檢測。 8、LCD液晶屏顯示,中(英)文菜單界面,操作便捷明了。 1.DSP chip as the core processing unit, with high recognition accuracy, extremely strong anti-interference ability. Solved the false alarm caused by electromagnetic interference. 2.Non-maquetic metals can be detected such as 304 stainless steel, heat-resistant steel, high-chromium steel etc. 3.Automatically distinguish the belt metal joints. 4.Can distinguish block, long rod metals, and set the sensitivity, suitable for non-magnetic materials. 5.Mark timing function, can delay the output mark action to achieve accurate positioning of the mixed metal. 6.Support Modbus fieldbus communication, easy to achieve data networking. 7.Multiple IO output interfaces, can be used in conjunction with the production line to achieve production Line automatic detection. 8.LCD screen display, Chinese(English) menu screen, easy to operate.